In today’s news, the sign that the apocalypse may be drawing even closer emerged, as Denmark put into action a new bill that would see the taxation of foods high in saturated fat, like eggs, butter and red meat, in an effort to help reduce incidence of health problems on a national scale. The true…… Read More
There’s been a lot of controversy in the training world these days about bad exercises, specifically movements like overhead pressing and crunching. On top of that, there’s still the old debates of your knees not going past your toes with squats (for my opinion, see above), eggs increasing your cholesterol, pink dumbells being at all useful…… Read More
So after winning a bet with a client yesterday who is a massive Oakland Raiders fan, I’m feeling pretty good. See, he started chirping that the Raiders (The Raiders??) would beat the Patriots this weekend and as a result he would be grinning ear to ear all week. I had to bring him back to…… Read More