Today in Canada, it is known as Boxing Day. This is the day people become raving lunatics and decide to all hit shopping malls en masse in order to return crappy Christmas gifts that their great-aunt twice removed tried to pawn off on them, spend their gift cards just as quickly as possible, and get what…… Read More
Well, yesterday was the first day of my vacation which will go until January 2nd, 2012. I know, a full week and a half off from early mornings, long days, and extra time to cook meals at home and catch up on some reading and other fun things. Maybe I’ll have the odd afternoon nap,…… Read More
Yesterday morning I had a client who looked like hell. I mean that in the nicest possible way, but you could tell he wasn’t in peak form. He didn’t sleep well the night before, he was fighting off a cold, running late, eyes glassed over, pretty much the hottest mess you could ever imagine seeing.…… Read More