If you haven’t read Tim Ferriss’s book The 4-Hour Workweek, I would highly recommend it. Aside from the fact that he discusses a dozen very effective methods for being more productive, as well as ways to find purpose with spare time, he talks about something called the “80/20 Principle.” This is something that was initially…… Read More
Let’s say you’re interested in building a bullet-proof core, rocking a six-pack for the New Year or maybe even trying to recover from some sort of horrendous low back injury. Looking on a lot of the fitness websites around the interwebz, you may be prone to follow the common advice and “brace” the midsection, which…… Read More
So for those who aren’t in the loop, I work in a commercial facility in Edmonton, Alberta Canada, and for anyone who has ever worked in a commercial facility or stepped foot inside one during the month of January, a little piece of your soul dies. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has decided to jump…… Read More