Posts in the Category "Uncategorized"

  • Jun15

    Best Exercise in Ever: Band Shoulder Stabilization Pulls

    Today’s exercise is an oldie but a goodie that I recently put back into rotation for a few clients with wonky shoulders, and it seems to be worth re-pushing for the new generation of folks looking to get jacked and swole while also getting all of their info from memes. One of the main functions…… Read More

  • May30

    The Most Important Quality For Fitness Goal Achievement

    That’s quite the audacious title but it’s something that I’ve noticed from working with a lot of people, and seeing a lot of successes and failures across a large range of goals and situations. At the end of the day, a major personality trait emerges that helps determine who will be successful and who will…… Read More

  • May22

    DNS Weightlifting Review

    A few weeks ago I was fortunate to attend a DNS Weightlifting workshop put on through Somatic Senses in Vancouver, with the instructor being Dr. Richard Ulm. This was my first exposure to any of the DNS systems, and it was a nice ease-in for a non-therapeutic population. Much of how we move is determined…… Read More