So yesterday I was playing around in the gym and trying out a few different body positions for some different exercises, more so to see what I felt working differently, and also to simply continually ask myself questions about what exercises would work better in certain situations than others. Take for example a client of…… Read More
Nothing like a shout-out to Craig Mack to get the day started right. Ya Heard!! So after getting an earful from a few friends about why I need to have an email sign-up list (namely Rick Kaselj and Rob King), I decided to bite the bullet. Rob recommended a service called, and I figured…… Read More
So there’s a lot of debate running through the fitness industry about whether to use abdominal draw-in core training techniques (the “Australian” or spinal segmental training method), or to use spinal stiffness as the method of developing core strength (The “McGill” method). Most trainers and strength coaches are siding with McGill on this one, saying…… Read More