Here’s an interesting timeline that seems to exist quite a bit. See if it sounds familiar. Phase one: you go to school. You’re given information and told to remember it when you’re asked a question, and then produce the answer upon demand. Phase two: You’re given a lot of information and told to find…… Read More
Something seems to be in the air lately, as I’ve seen a lot of new blog posts on sacro-iliac joint issues. It seems there’s a lot of people dealing with this, not just this big goofy dork from Edmonton. As a result of seeing these posts, I wanted to share some of the best of…… Read More
I wanted to make the opening title something attention grabbing, sort of like Ron Burgundy’s announcement right before the big party. That being said, shouting “CANNONBALL!!!!” doesn’t typically have the same effect in all caps as shouting it from the top of a diving board. Bill Sonnemaker is one of the classiest guys in fitness.…… Read More