Something seems to be in the air lately, as I’ve seen a lot of new blog posts on sacro-iliac joint issues. It seems there’s a lot of people dealing with this, not just this big goofy dork from Edmonton. As a result of seeing these posts, I wanted to share some of the best of the best with you to help you get more know-how of how to tackle this tricky little bugger.
However, before we dive into the good reads, today is the last day you can get a sa-weet deal on Muscle Imbalances Revealed: Lower Body edition, including some additional free bonuses. You can pick it up for the low low cost of only $67, so pick up a copy before tonight at midnight.
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SI Joint Dysfunctions – This Guy Here
THis was a post I put together back in October, and it seemed to resonate with a lot of people. I got a lot of great feedback on it and had a lot of people share it through social networks.
It’s My Fault Too, Part One and Part Two – Tony Gentilcore
Tony reached out to me to ask for some help with a nagging issue he’s had for the last little while. To be honest, I was somewhat shocked and humbled that he would reach out to me, seeing as how he’s got a guy like Eric Cressey right across the room from him, and also has a legion of physiotherapists and chiropractors available to him through his business and through the internet, but I was honoured nonetheless and went at it as best as possible.
The Sacroilliac Joint Takes a Beating – Bret Contreras
This was one of the best written explanations on some of the more compelling research on the SI joint I’ve seen in a long time, and Bret even throws in a relation to SI joints and wildebeasts in heat. Well done, sir.
Assessing the SI Joint: The Best Tests for SI Joint Pain – Mike Reinhold
THis post is more for clinicians and trainers who know their ass from their acetabulum, and gives a lot (Read: A LOOOOOOT) of info on how, why, and what it takes to assess the SI joint and determine if it’s a bucket of fail or a bit of alright.
The Pelvic Girdle: An Integration of Clinical Expertise and Research – Diane Lee
THis is a book written by a physiotherapists which is one of the best uses of clinical and research-backed techniques I’ve seen relating to the SI joint and other pelvic dysfunctions. Some of it is out of my scope of practice, but it’s still good to know, and there’s a lot of information that I’ve been able to take with me to use with my clients successfully. For any trainer of clinician, it’s definitely a beneficial investment.
9 Responses to Stuff You Should Read: SI Joint Edition