Let’s face it, North America. We’re in a bit of a pickle. The current generation of ankle-biters are beginning to grow cankles. Stats Canada estimates that 25% of kids in Canada are now overweight, and 12% are considered obese. Compare that with stats from 1980, where 9% of kids were overweight and only 3% were…… Read More
Here’s the funny thing about a simple movement like a squat. Everyone thinks they’re an expert, but very few people can do them right. Hell, I’ve been working at them for over a decade and I’m just over the stage of Your 7-year-old sister is going to kick my ass and bordering on the stage…… Read More
Ladies and gentlemen, meet our dog Bandit. He’s a six-year-old Boston Terrier, and we’ve had him since he was a puppy. The tricky thing about owning a dog is I’m somewhat allergic to most of the different breeds, and the hair makes it difficult to breathe, but boston’s seem to work since they have very…… Read More