There’s a growing body of trainers and strength coaches who are starting to push the benefits of performing active mobilizations and dynamic warm-ups before training sessions in order to improve the physiological state of their clients and athletes and hopefully pump out some bigger numbers and reduce injuries. This is great, and believe me it…… Read More
So in the course I was teaching this past weekend,we went through some quick and dirty postural assessments. At the end, everyone had discovered they were pretty messed up, especially after sitting in a classroom setting for the past 4 days. One person piped up and asked a very simple question: How do we get…… Read More
So last week I was knee-deep in research and clients and teaching a course, so unfortunately the blog posts weren’t too forthcoming. Super fail on my part. The good news is that in getting everything done, I was able to bang out two presentations for the forthcoming Muscle Imbalances Revealed: Upper Body series, which will…… Read More