We always laugh at the guy or gal who come to the gym and set up shop on the treadmill or elliptical, hit their favorite program, and proceed to sweat it out for the next hour. Or Six. And still look like they did on day one. If the rule saying caloriesĀ in < Calories out…… Read More
So last week I was in Toronto at the national canfitpro conference and did a presentation on building medical referral relationships to get more clients. This is something I’ve done for a few years, and have a pretty solid relationship with about 2 dozen allied health professionals who routinely send me their clients, plus I…… Read More
So right now, I’m listening to Alwyn Cosgrove’s webinar called “The Death of Personal Training,” (if you haven’t seen it yet, click HERE to get the free replay) writing this here post, setting up some client programs, and thinking about eventually doing the rest of the dishes. Sounds like a barrel of fun on a…… Read More