So now that October is within inches of having us in its’ perma-dark and windchill-induced grasps, we decided to crank up the furnace, throw an extra blanket on the bed, and up our vitamin D intake in casa de Somerset. Once the sunlight gets less than 12 hours a day, I start to supplement with D3,…… Read More
So I’ll admit it right off the bat: I’m not a big fan of back squats. For one, I suck holy hell at them and find that my back becomes as beaten up as a Yankees’ pinata in Boston in October afterwards. As a result of these factors, I’ve tended to shy away from them in…… Read More
One of the most overlooked and probably despised areas on the human body is the inner thigh, also known as the adductor muscles. Women hate them, recoil in terror at the thought of getting them bigger in any way possible, and tend to stick to using the inner-outer thigh machine with 15 pounds for 600…… Read More