Here’s a little known fact about yours truly. I like to read. When I was 8 in the summer between grade 3 and 4, I went down to the city library and started trying to make my way through every book they had in stock. It was a possible goal, seeing as how my city…… Read More
Yesterday was a monumental day in the Somerset household. First, I managed to do the dishes and even cook some dinner. Second, I had a short cat nap. It was epic. Last, it was the first time both Lindsay and I have filed a tax return as a married couple, which I guess makes this…… Read More
For some unknown reason I decided in a scheduling Jedi-Mind-Trick bout of brilliance to book a speaking engagement at a conference in Edmonton, then a full-day workshop in Calgary the day after this past weekend, then also decided to come back to a full week of work, and then have another course to teach to…… Read More