This is kind of a neat month, because it marks the 2 year anniversary of me being involved in my first digital product, Muscle Imbalances Revealed: Lower Body. This was a collaborative project from the Godfather, Rick Kaselj, as well as some big guns like Mike Robertson, Bill Hartman, Eric Beard, Kevin Yates, and…… Read More
SO lately my motivation to heave heavy things has somewhat dissipated. Don’t get me wrong, I still get out and give it my all with some good heavy deadlifts and bench press, but aside from trying to get my big lifts stronger and continue to get my back feeling dangerously sexified and bullet-proof, I…… Read More
Every day I wake up, make myself a bowl consisting of greek yogurt and organic granola, and a latte made with either almond milk or coconut milk, and check out what’s happening in the world of Facebook, Twitter, and a couple different news websites to see what’s going on in the world. Bynum had a…… Read More