• Feb8

    What Does it Mean If I Feel It Working My Legs??

    I had an email from a reader a few weeks ago that I unfortunately haven’t had the time to get back to as of yet, but it went something like this: Dean, I want to be like you in every way. You bring sunshine to my life, and I’m going to name my first-born after…… Read More

  • Feb7

    Since When is it a Crime to be Cocky???

    Watching the SuperBowl last night, after an impressive interception by Green Bay, the player dropped to his knees in celebration, and was therefore penalized for it. I ask you, if you made an amazing play in the biggest game of your life, would you want to have a little celebration about it and show off…… Read More

  • Feb3

    Q & A: Effective versus Full Range Of Motion

    Hi Dean. I had right ACL surgery in June, 2010. With time I’ve been able to get my legs back to equal strength. Lately, I noticed pain in my right knee when working out. Should I stop all squatting, deadlifting, lunges and focus on quad activation for a while? This was an email question I had following my…… Read More