• Mar18

    Casual Observations of the Day

    Old men wearing hats are some of the worst drviers on the road. Next time you get stuck behind someone driving 60 in a 90 zone, with their left turn blinker on and merging right, odds are the dude has a hat on and watched Jesus graduate from high school. No matter who you are,…… Read More

  • Mar16

    Rectus?? It Nearly Killed Us!!! HA HA HA.

    I was working with a chiropractor who sent me a couple of clients to train, and pretty much every one of them were listed as having problems with their “hip flexors”, and upon further consult with said chiro, it turns out pretty much 100% of his clients had some form of problem with their illiopsoas.…… Read More

  • Mar15

    Check Me Out: Bret Contreras Interviewed ME!!

    Yeah, that’s right, he wanted to know what I thought about some stuff, so I told him, and he made a wickedly awesome post about it HERE. Truth be told, he basically felt sorry for me after I interviewed him, so he’s essentially throwing me a bone here. But it’s still cool to be able…… Read More