Today’s post is a guest post from Kedric Kwan all the way from Malaysia. Kedric has been excessively stalking following this site and chatting with me on a regular basis through Facebook, and his passion for fitness comes through all the time. I wanted to give him a shot to have a bigger voice, and…… Read More
Last week was a hell of a ride. First, I was at the SFG Kettlebell Instructors certification in salt Lake City for the weekend (which was a Canadian holiday). Then, upon returning on Monday afternoon I had to prepare for a busier than usual week due to it being a shortened week. On top…… Read More
As much as I like to poke fun, I kind of like Crossfit. I’m not talking about how it sends me the odd new client who has a beat up shoulder or low back. I can get a lot of those from people who just sit for extended periods of time. I’m talking about…… Read More