Today’s guest post comes from Dr. Spencer Nadolesky, MD. Spencer and I have connected sporadically through Facebook and Twitter, as well as through email. He’s one of the “new wave” of physicians who is looking at health and active prevention of medical conditions versus the old guard who only treat once an issue has…… Read More
I’ve used this lift sparingly in the past, I would say about 8 years, and probably more as a mobility drill than a strength exercise. I found it was a great way to encourage people to get their knees open for a wider stance in their squats, build some rotational range of motion, and…… Read More
If I told you that you probably weren’t deadlifting properly, most people would agree. Sure, some would say they’re completely bullet proof and have absolutely no flaws, but they are few and far between. I’m not talking about the technical execution of the lift, however. What if I said you probably weren’t doing the…… Read More