A couple years ago, Seth Godin put out an awesome book called Tribes: We Need You To Lead Us. In it he talks about becoming a leader in your field, building a following, and share information effectively. Depending on what you’re interested in, odds are you have specific people you go to for specific information. Let’s…… Read More
Time is one of the greatest equalizers, in that everyone has the exact same amount in each day. Sure, some people may live to be 90 or 100 while others see their flame extinguished much sooner, but each day spent is equivalent. What is done within those 24 hours depends on the individual and how…… Read More
Last week Lindsay and I spent the majority of the week in New York, which was an awesome trip and we had a blast. One of the highlights for her was setting a 20 minute PR in her triathlon, and one of the highlights for me was photobombing Tracy Anderson’s studio in Tribeca. I…… Read More