Yesterday was a bit surprising when I was scrolling through the feed on Facebook and saw a status put up by T-Nation highlighting one of my articles on planking HERE. The surprising thing isn’t that they featured it, but that when I clicked the link the main picture had a blue check mark beside it,…… Read More
I enjoy what I do. I can’t really put it much simpler than that, but let me explain what I mean with a bit more detail. I get to go to “work” which essentially entails problem solving, playing with toys, mock-dance parties, and trying to be the best part of peoples’ days. I then write…… Read More
For the majority of my life, I’ve used running as a means to stay fit, play sports, or just to mindlessly sweat for a good 30 or 40 minutes. I played sports throughout high school and the first part of university before a back injury sidelined me permanently. At that time, running was a piece…… Read More