Posted February 1, 2013

Unleashing your Tibialis Posterior and Fixing Flat Feet

So a couple weeks ago I put up a post on the importance of the tibialis anterior muscle, and had a bunch of requests to film a video on how to do some SMR work on that bad boy. Well, combine the simple pleasures of a vacation over Christmas with an insane work schedule for a health club trainer in January, and I’m just getting around to it now. Epic fail on my part.

Although I won’t take all the blame. One reason I wanted to wait was so that I could order a new mic pack for my camera, as filming in a busy gym tends to produce a lot of background noise that makes for a less than effective speaking video, which means in the interest of quality for you, the viewer and reader, I wanted to wait until I had all the ingredients in place.

This will be one of the first of hopefully many more video demos or “Vlog Posts” to come, where I showcase some training considerations and fun or possibly voodoo type stuff for the general masses to digest and let simmer. With that said, enjoy.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

For those interested, I’m using a Sony UWP-V1 wireless mic and transmitter, and a Canon Vixia HF S20 camera to shoot these.

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