Posted June 9, 2011

The Best Exercise You Could Ever Do: Pallof Press Circuit

SO I’m sitting in a hotel room in Calgary, getting ready to present the first day of my Post-Rehab workshop, and I thought I would share a little beauty I’ve been using for a few months now that has helped get my back considerably more dieseled.

The exercise is actually a combination of exercises in a mini ab-tastic circuit.

What it does:

The Pallof press is pretty fantastic for developing spinal stability and making you make a face like you have to go to the bathroom. On top of that, the abs get a fantastic workout by resisting rotation, extension and flexion, which makes it one of the most versatile exercises on the planet.

Who did I Steal it From?

The man, the myth, the legend himself, Tony Gentilcore, who is all about Pallof presses and their many subsidiaries. I saw him demonstrate this one a few months ago, and had to give it a try. Since then I’ve been hooked.

How do I look that awesome?

Posture is key, and the whole point of the movement is to resist movement, so the abdomen has to tighten up all over, a concept Stuart McGill calls “Super-Stiffness” that allows the entire core to stabilize the spine and prevent any negative movement. Please cite this moment in your day timers, because it’s the first time in the history of this blog that I was able to get away with saying super-stiffness and not make a sideways comment about it. All this talk about getting married soon must be rubbing off on me and making me all grown up.

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