Posted November 27, 2014

Stuff You Should Check Out: Thanksgiving Edition

It’s been a heck of a week. This past weekend Lindsay and I headed down to Los Angeles to meet up with Tony Gentilcore and piss excellence over our semi-annual workshop for a group of awesome trainers. One of the trainers in the house was Gunnar Peterson, a very famous celebrity trainer who has worked with folks like Tom Brady, Sylvester Stallone, Angelina Jolie, and pretty much 90% of Hollywood. I was expecting to have the embodiment of Lyle McCarthy, the celebrity trainer who got Homer Simpson in shape for his Everyman role, only to leave him to work with another client.


He turned out to be a pretty chill guy, except for rolling up in a Rolls Royce.

After the workshop, Lindsay and I spent a couple days hanging around Hermosa Beach, a very chilled out surfer place where there wasn’t a lot of obvious tourist traps or heavy traffic, which was awesome because when we got home it was below freezing, a heavy snowfall advisory in place for the next 3 days, and temperatures expected to get to -30. Why did I come home again!?!?

Screen Shot 2014-11-26 at 8.19.30 PM Anyways, let’s get on with some of the cool stuff.

Turkish Get Ups Make You Awesome – Me on T-Nation

This is an article published yesterday on T-Nation, outlining some of the breakdowns I use to coach and progress the turkish get up. I felt it was well done and apparently a lot of other folks enjoyed it too.

Functional Stability Training Package Black Friday Sale

Eric Cressey and Mike Reinold have put their massive Functional Stability Package, including the Upper Body, Lower Body, and Core Training modules, on sale for Black Friday.


All you have to do is enter the promo code BF2014 at check out and you can save 25% off the entire package instantly. I really liked this package and got a bunch of usable information out of it. It’s perfect for trainers, clinicians, and exercise enthusiasts who want to have their anatomy and physiology fix on overdrive.

Relation Between the Gluteus Maximus and the Fascia Lata (IT Band) – Brent Brookbush

Speaking of anatomy overdrive, this cadaver resectioning heavy post that may not be suitable to open prior to or during the eating of lunch, but still drops gallons of knowledge sauce all over the place. If you don’t like pics of stuff like that, you can still get the text and just close your eyes and see unicorns and stuff that comes up in your imagination.

Muscle Math – Greg Nuckols

Greg wrote a piece on how you could use calculus to discover the timing for your weight lifting peak, the stroked his maniacal beard prior to hitting a 750 lb x 2 squat and driving across the country on his 23rd birthday. Because that’s just something regular 23 year olds do apparently. God I’m old.