Posted April 6, 2011

You Want It, You Got It.

Last week I decided to put together a poll in a post HERE to see what kind of topic you wanted me to write on: scapular stability, Turkish get-ups, or biceps swole-ification. These were based on reader comments on what they wanted me to write about and maybe show a video or two on how to do them or train them.

Well, with an overwhelming majority, scapular stability won out. Sorry to all you skinny-armed, non-turkish folks out there, but we’re gonna look at how to build a foundation for that house you call a shoulder.

I’m gonna put in some time on this one, so it should be available some time early next week, so keep your eye peeled for it.

In the meantime, I thought I would update everyone on how my persuit for a 405 deadlift is coming. On Monday I managed to do this:

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385, no straps, no belts, no chalk, and no way in hell I’m not gonna hit 405 this month. Also, there’s no way I’m getting myself psyched up to lift heavy shit while listening to health club music. I had Chester from Linkin Park screaming in my ear while I was pulling that bad mutha off the floor, so yeah, music helps.

Anyway, as promised, I’ll be working on a scapular stability post for a few days, but I’ll still find time to put down some good stuff for the rest of this week. Toodles!!

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