I’m currently waiting in the airport to board a plane to New York with the wife for a quick vacation that will most likely result in irreparable damage to our credit card and a couple trips to Peak Performance, plus a few runs through Central Park. No big deal.
But before I go I wanted to show you some things that are interesting to me this week and hopefully put some lulz on your face.
This was a guest post on Eric’s site by Dr. Hector Lopez on some of the recent research that showed (somehow) that omega-3 supplementation was similar to smoking in its’ role in elevating heart disease risk. In other news, umm, what???
If nothing else gives you any benefit from the article, like how to help avoid having someone crush their grill from a spot gone wrong, the picture at the end of the article will probably make you laugh out loud. I’ve seen way too many close calls, and once actually saw someone bean themselves off the mug with an 80 pound dumbbell because of an improper spot, so as funny as it is, it still has a kind of serious message. Don’t be a dingus, spot at the wrist.
This LITERALLY just came up on my Facebook feed as I was typing this, so that’s some ridiculously good timing. It’s a collection of stories of hardships and trials that some successful trainers and rehab specialists have had to go through to become good at what they do. WHo do you think is the first on the list??
How to Get Published: Writing Fitness Domination – John Romaniello, Sean Hyson, Lou Schuler
As someone who spends a small amount of time writing and trying to get more places to write for, this is a irreplacable resource. It’s my reading on the plane today, and it also comes with some audio interviews from guys like Jason Feruggia, Nate Green, Craig Ballantyne, and of course Roman to help give some more presence. By that being said, when a multi-time best selling author of the “New Rules for Lifting” series, the head of the Roman Empire, and the editor for Men’s Fitness all collaborate on how to write, I’m going to listen just for that alone. The rest is gravy.
This is the last day of the celebration of my 31st birthday, where I’m offering my best-selling Post Rehab Essentials for a whopping $31 off the regular price.
Well, they’re calling the pre-boarding, so I have to wrap this up. Have yourselves a great day today, and go lift something heavy, preferrably in a DeanSomerset.com t-shirt. Cuz ya know, heavy stuff is way more awesome and chicks dig guys in a DeanSomerset.com t-shirt.