I’ve come to realize a few hard and fast truths about a lot of fitness websites and personal blogs that are out there.
1. There’s a really big emphasis on deadlifts everywhere you go.
2. People like to reference Stu McGill like crazy, and haven’t looked at a lot of research by anyone else.
3. Some people wear shorts that border on “peek-a-boo” length.
4. A lot of people give away free gifts to the people who sign up for their email listing, things like a “report” for fat loss, getting massive, or maybe even doing something really cool like jumping the Grand Canyon on a motorbike. Time after time, I’ve decided to plunk down my email address, get the free report, and realize I just wasted my money. I mean, I love listening to someone rail against the fast food industry as much as the next guy, but use a spell-check feature once in a while!! Also, backing things up with a reference once in a while would be nice, and including some graphics other than the picture your mom took of you doing squats would be nice.
In all honesty, most free signup bonuses aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on (see what I did there? They’re not printed on paper, which makes…..them…..yeah, you saw that, okay.). While i would love your free report on how to make biceps grow by using 16 variations of concentration curls, I’ll stick to getting my info from somewhere that doesn’t make me want to inject Keith Richards saliva into my left ventricle and go on the ride of a lifetime in order to escape the confounding uselessness of it all.
That being said, I have a super-secret contest going on this week with all the members on my email list, and the prize is pretty freakin sweet. Let’s suffice it to say the prize has the word “Post” in it, followed by “ohmyfingod this is amazing!!!!” Oh, and it’s something that costs people a lot of money to get, so you would probably want it too. You have a skill-based challenge to complete, which requires all the mental dexterity of of the instructors of a recently viral Crossfit strongman workout video, and all the computer skills of a nutless monkey operating the keyboards with a wooden mallet, so you should have a chance, sport.
If you want to give it a whirl, you’ll just need to enter your info in the box on the right of this here post and you’ll get a quick update emailed to you about what the contest is all about. Oh, and I should mention the deadline is Sunday at Midnight est, so you should probably hurry up and get started.
4 Responses to Win Free Stuff that Doesn't Suck, Plus a Gratuitous Up-Short shot of Tom Selleck