Posted January 6, 2014

Some Big News for the Next Few Months

Hopefully you all had a great time over the last couple of weeks without me. Sure, I’ve been thee in spirit, but I’ve been working on autopilot for the better part of the last few weeks.

Ever have one of those vacations where you have a laundry list of stuff you want to do, you have everything all mapped out and are soooooo excited to get things crossed off that list and feel like stuff got accomplished? Well, that’s how I felt a few weeks ago when I started my annual Christmas Stay-cation. I had 2 weeks, plans of cleaning stuff, writing stuff, updating other stuff, making stuff into other stuff, lifting stuff, and other stuff on top of that stuff.

That’s a lot of stuff.

However, as with every vacation, I wound up doing much less than I wanted to initially. Sure I made it to the gym a bunch of times, but then I got sucked into an endless cycle of Plants versus Zombies, and then also found out there was a Breaking Bad marathon where they were playing every episode (in order) from the start to the series finale.


This was a perfect storm to completely demolish productivity.

Combine that with epic amounts of cold, freezing rain, and being slathered in egg nog for an extended period of time, and all motivation to hit my normal productivity ceased to exist. The downside is that now I’m back at work, and have a bunch of programs to catch up on, as well as writing, and all the other stuff I didn’t get to.

The end result of this cacophony of procrastination is me hunched over my laptop al day tomorrow to try to get things ready to roll for today when all my clients are back in action, looking for new programs, distance coaching programs, finishing Breaking Bad (it’s SOOOOOOOOO  INTENSE!!!!!) and and deal with the daily snow shovelling and chances of dying if I stay outside in the cold too long.

One thing that won’t be creating as much stress is the fact that I’ve formed a new partnership with I’m getting ready to start a new premium membership group on their site, and will give some more details as the program gets closer to launch. One thing that I can say is that they just released a new app today, and it’s looking pretty awesome.


This is a complete re-design of their previous version, and helps to track data on your workouts a lot better with better data keeping. The app comes with pre-made workouts you can load and rock out to, or you can build your own workouts with a simple interface.  You can set goals, track your workouts, and share them with a community to see how you stack up to other internet warriors. What do you mean everyone on the web has a 900 pound deadlift and 500 pound bench press with 3% body fat??

As an added bonus, when you download the app with their launch, you have a chance to win an iPad mini. And the good thing is the app is free, so simply click HERE to download it.

This is going to be handy for the next few months as I’m beginning to get a crazy travel schedule going. First, I’m heading to London for March 8 and 9 to teach a 2 day seminar. If you’re in Europe and want to hang out while deadlifting and listening to my bad British accent, click HERE to get more info and to register.

Then, just confirmed, I’m heading to San Francisco at the end of April for the NorCal Fitness Summit. I’ve heard a lot of amazing things about this event from previous years, and I’m sure it will be awesome this year too.  I’ll do my best to make coherent thoughts about how to use core training to get hip mobility, and may even rock a Van Damme epic split of my own. Click HERE for more info and to register.

So witht hat being said, I have to run to get people back in action and finish off the last few programs before time is up. I’ll have something new and awesome in terms of actual content later this week. Pinky swear.


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