Posted November 16, 2013

Video Q & A

I do Q & A sessions on Facebook every now and then, so if you haven’t added me as a friend yet or started following me, you’re seriously missing out. I put up the other days that I was going to do a video Q & A with some of the questions you wanted more in depth answers to, and the results are the essence of this post today.

This was way more difficult than I thought it would be. First, my camera has decided to have the volume go to crap, in addition to shooting in ultra mega high definition mode and almost smashing my hard drive when I went to load it. I had to edit the sucker about a dozen times to figure out how to shrink the file size without making it look like poop, turn up the volume without creating screeching noises in the back ground, and then Youtube decided to tell me I couldn’t upload videos longer than 15 minutes!!

Why you gotta be like that, Youtube? And I thought we were cool, you know? I mean, I turned a blind eye to the crazy number of racist/sexist/homophobic/mysogenistic comments being left all over you and you not doing anything about it, but I just want to upload a gad dang 25 minute Q & A video!!!!!



Whatever, I’m over it. Anyhoo, here’s the video Q &A. Enjoy, and if you have any other questions, leave a comment here and I’ll do what I can to help out.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

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