Posted August 10, 2012

These Shirts are Gonna Rock So Hard


So first off I want to say a big thank you for everyone who left a comment on Monday’s post about which design they would like to see and also the slogan I’ll be going with for my upcoming t-shirts. I was completely blown away with the number of comments left as well as the level of thoughtfulness in some of them. I truly have some of the best readers in the world.

So here’s the deal: based on everyones’ input, I’ve decided to go with Dylan Coleman’s design, although we’ll do some touching up on some of the colours and stuff to make it easier to put onto a shirt.

The response for this one was overwhelmingly one-sided, so I had to go with it. Thanks for sending in design ideas everyone!! Dylan, send me an email HERE when you can and we’ll hash out what kind of gift card you want. For those who can’t remember, he gets a $250 gift card from either iTunes or, as well as one of the first copies of the upcoming Post Rehab Essentials 2.0. If you’re interested in getting some of the background on what the original one is all about, CLICK HERE and get your learn on.

Now for the big one. I had to really look through the comments on this one to figure out what would be the best option. A lot of people really liked Fotis’ slogan, and a lot of people really liked Melinda’s slogan and offered to have two winners. At the end of the day, I was reminded of the three qualifiers for the contest: it had to reflect what this site is all about, get the most likes, and be something everyone would want to wear in the gym to strike fear in the hearts of every other gym goer. At the end of the day……


Give me a shout Fotis and we’ll get your gift certificate squared away, and also put you on the list for first dibs when Post Rehab 2 comes out.

Melinda won’t go away empty-handed, though. Since it was such a close battle, I wanted to give her a copy of Post rehab Essentials 2.0 when it comes out as well. Additionally, everyone who won, including Melinda, will be getting a free t-shirt with the winning design and slogan on it, and if you really want I’ll even sign it, but that may make it less valuable and therefore something more likely to wash your windows with instead of getting your swolertrohpy on at your local Globo-Gym.

Congratulations to the winners!!! Now for the real kicker, I’ll be letting people on my email list have access to the t-shirts first, which means if you want to know when they are ready to rock out, just hit up the sign-up box at the top right of the page and drop your digits. I promise to make them look really cool and awesome, not just some random white/black cotton one-color shirt. Nothing wrong with that, but dammit I’m a stylish mo-fo and I wanna have a shirt that represents that!!