Posted November 24, 2010

The Best Exercises You Will Ever Do: 2-Rower Hand Slides

Suh-weet snappin crap, IT’S COLD OUTSIDE!! If I were to spit up in the air, it would freeze solid and bounce by the time it hit the ground, THAT’S HOW COLD IT IS OUTSIDE, and the worst part is I’m not even joking.

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Tell me why the hell I live in this part of the world?? Here’s an open request: if you live somewhere where the terms “Frostbite,” “arctic air mass”, and “windchill” are not known to the population, I will gladly move there and set up shop as a personal trainer. Any takers? No? Damn.

It’s another day, another method to getting ripped. Here’s a great abdominal exercise that anyone can do.

Given they have access to two Concept 2 ergometers.

And are jacked beyond belief.

2-Rower Slide Hand Pushups

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What it does: works core stability through rotation and extension resistance. Works shoulder stability flexion control. Makes the eyes of everyone in the gym fixate on your rippling abdominally-ness.

Is her headband color-coordinated with her shirt and shorts? You betcha. Don’t kid yourself, I made fun of that fact alone for a good thirty minutes of her workout.

I think I may have collapsed her world when she said with complete finality that 15 was the end of the set, and I informed her she was doing 20. I had to stop the camera because the nuclear explosion is difficult to film from close range.

3 Responses to The Best Exercises You Will Ever Do: 2-Rower Hand Slides