Thank You


thank you

Thank you for signing up!!

I think you’re going to like it around here. I talk about lifting stuff, how to get stronger, faster, lose weight, and most importantly, how to have fun while doing it all. Fitness shouldn’t be all that serious, as you can tell from the above pic. We do stuff that’s considered a luxury in many places of the world, and I get to wear sweat pants to work.

Now, I like you. I mean really, you went out of your way to put down your email in a trusting manner so you can hear from me more often and get in on free stuff and offers. How could I not like that??

Because of you putting that trust in me, I want you to have something free.

You can have a free copy of my resource The Daily Grind: A simple movement hygiene series to help jumpstart your day.

The Daily Grind – Right click and “save as” to download

Not too shabby, right? Now, some more free stuff coming your way. In the coming weeks, I’m going to send you a series of emails outlining some of my best work. These are articles that have really resonated with the public at large for various reasons, either they helped address a specific problem, provided a unique viewpoint to a common occurrence, or made people laugh uncomfortably loud while in a public space and caused them to hit share repeatedly on it.

I’m also going to send you some info on a few products I sell. This is how I look at it: if I have a solution to a problem that you might be having, I’d be a real jerk to not at least tell you about it, right? These are things I’ve invested a lot of time and energy (and in some cases some significant income), and want to make sure if someone can benefit from them, that I at least make them available. If they’re not your thing, that’s cool, you can just turf those emails, but I wanted to at least slide them in front of you for a check over.

Oh, and one more thing….

I want to be a resource for you in more ways than simply writing stuff or filming the odd video and putting it out there for the masses. If there’s any way I can help YOU, the person reading this, shoot me an email and I’ll do everything I can to assist.

If you don’t want to do that, you could also connect on various social media channels:



Click HERE to connect on Facebook





Click HERE to connect on Twitter





Click HERE to connect on Youtube





Click HERE to connect on Instagram




The point is, I’m here for you, so let’s enjoy this magical mythical and sometimes sensual journey into health and fitness together, shall we?


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