So a few weeks ago I opened up a design contest to put together some kick-ass apparel to help promote the brand of this site. Not only did it yield a fantastic final graphic and catch phrase, but I have finally been able to put the finishing touches on the store to help meet the demand for the shirts, as well as get some pretty awesome options for both colours and styles.
The final graphic design looks something like this:
And the final text graphic looks a little something like this:
I can think of nothing more kick-ass than skulls, barbells, and ninjas all in the same line. I’m super-stoked to offer these shirts to my readers to represent and strike fear in the heart of lowly gym-going mortals, and hopefully donning one will lead to copious amounts of PR’s all over the place.
Check out the store and be the first on your block to get one. Also, let me know in the comments section what you think, and also if there are specific colours or types of clothing you would want to see more of.
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