Posted June 14, 2012

Stuff You Should Check Out

As my vacation begins to come to a close, I wanted to show everyone a couple of cool things to help you get your learn on and also probably blow your minds completely. I’m a big fan of continued learning, and find that no matter who you are, you can benefit from learning from other smart folks in the same industry, as well as in industries you may have a deep passion for. That’s what’s great about fitness, because everyone has a chance to partake, and at various levels of knowledge, application, Jedi capability, or simply ability to switch on Beast Mode at will.

Speaking of Beast Mode, the first thing I wanted to show you is the new video series from James “Diesel” Smith and Joe DeFranco, called HARD:Core.  The interesting thing is that if you were to Google “hard core” you would find a lot of things that have absolutely nothing to do with fitness and exercise, but they may cause you to get an elevated heart rate, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

As much as I would love to go through the process of describing how awesome this new product is, I can’t do justice to what this video can do:

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It makes me want to do chinups and deadlifts in an industrial warehouse until I uncover repressed childhood memories, which will make me want to do pushups until they become repressed once again!!!

This video series comes jam-packed with over 200 exercises, as well as most importantly a thorough explanation of why and how to use those exercises, and what they’re supposed to do for you. It also comes with a fantastic manual for those who like to get their learn on by reading. I was fortunate enough to get one of the first copies of the manual so I could assist with the editing on it, and it’s definitely a great read, and I can honestly say I picked up a few dozen tid-bits that caused my clients to completely hate life and wish I were dead see new improvements and help break through plateaus in a different manner than they had previously been able to do.

They just released the product a few days ago, so you should hurry up and get your copy soon. I don’t get a dime from any sale that comes from my site, so the fact that I’m recommending this and I have no financial stake in it should tell you how awesome this will be for everyone who gets it.

+++> GET HARDCORE NOW!!!!<+++

The other thing I wanted to showcase was the fact that Mike Robertson, a really smart and successful coach in Indiana, is going to be hosting the Midwest Performance Enhancement Seminar Series on August 24th to 26th in Indianapolis, Indiana.

This 3-day workshop will have some pretty awesome ingredients to it, including an all-day seminar with Dan John, Mike Robertson, Lee Taft, Pat Rigsby, Bill Hartman, Rick Huse, Chris Mohr, and Joel Jamieson. There’s an early-bird rate available only until July 1st giving you everything for only $399, which also gives you access to the Friday sessions that won’t be available to anyone who gets in for this after the July 1st early bird deadline.

I would love to attend this seminar series, for nothing more than to simply listen to the incredibly bright and successful individuals ho will be presenting, and learning a few new nuggests of info that I could take back to help my clients get better, faster, stronger, Kanye-er, and all out super-human faster and easier than before, but unfortunately I have other travel plans that conflict.

That being said, what I want you to do is go there, have a blast, and then call me on the phone like we’re besties and let me know every single detail of what went on, who said what, and how awesome it was so I can be super jealous of what you got to do, capiche??

Head to Indianapolis to get smarter by clicking HERE

Again, I don’t make a dime on this, so check it out before the opportunity to learn on the cheap passes you by.