Last week was a hell of a ride. First, I was at the SFG Kettlebell Instructors certification in salt Lake City for the weekend (which was a Canadian holiday). Then, upon returning on Monday afternoon I had to prepare for a busier than usual week due to it being a shortened week. On top of that, I also launched Post Rehab Essentials V.2.0, which was received with a LOT of really good reactions. Reactions so good that Terry Crews decided to give up shooting Old Spice commercials because he couldn’t keep up.
So good in fact, that I decided to extend the sale until tonight, Monday May 27th at midnight instead of last Saturday night!!!
===> Get Post Rehab Essentials V.2.0 for only $97 while it lasts!!! <===
To go along with the launch, I also wrote a bunch of articles for some pretty cool sites to help promote it and get a bigger audience, and I wanted to showcase a few of them here for you today in case you didn’t get a chance to check them out.
Are Your Clients Hurting Your Paychecks? –
This site is dedicated to teaching other fitness professionals different aspects of the business end of coaching, and in this piece I talk about how understanding how to work around or through a clients’ injuries or restrictions can help them stay more consistent with their training and miss fewer sessions, which ultimately makes the trainer get a bigger pay check and more success with their clients.
Do You Really Need Corrective Exercise? –
This article talks about the fine line between dealing with someone with a cranky shoulder and diagnosing something like impingement. Trainers should know when to refer out to a physiotherapist and when the simple aches and pains of a life well lived can be addressed in the gym with relative ease, and also how to use the right tools for the job.
Pelvic Arch and Load Carrying Capactiy( Or How Does EC Deadlift So Much?) –
This was a purely speculative and incredibly fun piece to write. It talks about how some people are simply built to lift heavy weights better than others, and also how some folks are able to hit up the splits with no issue. Everyone’s a little different, and sometimes you just have to resign yourself to genetics. On that note, Eric Cressey is a genetic freak, in a good way.
Upcoming Seminars, Calgary, Alberta
I’m going to be teaching 2 back to back seminars in Calgary, Alberta over the weekend of June 8-9. Day one is all things foam rolling. Yep, I can talk for an entire workshop about foam rolling. We’ll go through the neurophysiology of how rolling actually works, how to take best advantage of it for your average Joe and Jane, plus how to use fascial linkages to get more mobility in a heart beat than you ever thought possible.
Day two is a condensed version of Post Rehab Essentials. The live version is always better than the video series, so if you have the chance to fly into Calgary in 2 weeks, you’ll definitely get a lot out of it.
You can register for both, or choose the one you want. Plus, if you’re canfitpro certified you can get some sweet CEU’s.
Check out the registration page HERE if you’re interested.
And Now, Here’s Something We Hope You’ll Really Like
Many dynamic duos have come before. Batman and Robin. Ben and Jerry. Moose and Squirrel. Rob Ford and his brother.
None can compare to the duo of Somerset and Gentilcore, aptly named “Gentil Sunset” by Facebook brethren. These two amazing coaches and virulent fitness professionals only meet up in person on rare occasion, but when they do, the earth trembles.
We’re meeting up again. This time, in Boston on Tony’s home turf, Cressey Performance, to host what will probably go down in history as one of the best, educational, informational, entertaining, and maximally fantastic workshops in ever.
The workshop titled “Dean & Tonys Excellent Workshop High Five,” will teach participants everything they need to become better coaches, including but not limited to:
For more information on this workshop (which will actually be somewhat serious and include CEU credits for those who need them to stay certified), click the link HERE.
BTW, it’s not just for personal trainers or coaches. If you read my blog or Tonys on a regular basis, you’ll be able to follow along even if you’ve never taken an exercise physiology course or worked as a trainer before. If you know the difference between your diaphragm and your knee, you should do alright.