Posted January 24, 2014

Stuff to Check Out: Resolution Check-in Edition

Soooooo. How’s that New Years resolution coming along? I’ve definitely noticed a big increase in volume of people hitting the gym in the last week alone, which is normal for our club as it traditionally is a couple weeks behind most of the population trends. This is great to see as it’s hopefully going to result in a small dent in the obesity crisis, but it just means a short term inconvenience of everyone and their dog doing biceps curls.

With Kettlebells.

In the squat rack.

I’m not even kidding.

That being said, I wanted to show you some of the cool stuff going around the interwebz this past week, and nothing has to do with Justin Beiber getting arrested for being a raging douchebag.

1: Mobile Muscle –

This was an article I wrote on how to increase mobility without static stretching. I’ve touched on this in the past with a couple different articles, but wanted to take a more active role with this one and show some ways that you could increase mobility with a specific plan of action.

2: Is thoracic spine extension work necessary? Part 1 and Part 2 – Eric Schoenburg via Eric Cressey

This was a great series on Eric Cressey’s site, specifically set for baseball players, but with a lot of great takeaways for those working with non-throwers.

3. Foot arch positioning and Deadlifts video

[embedplusvideo height=”477″ width=”600″ editlink=”″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=4vhWqDTbNr8&width=600&height=477&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep5544″ /]

4. Foam Rolling 101 – Sale Ends Sunday


6 hours of video all dedicated to the science and application of foam rolling? Who doesn’t want to spend their weekend going through that?

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