While I’d like to think that every trainer out there has a good repetoire of leg exercises out there, unfortunately most revert back to simply performing the basics: partial range piss-poor squats, leg press (again partial range), leg extensions, and if they feel like it they may throw in something for hamstrings, but only on workout days when their significant others’ menstrual cycle links up with a full moon in the third house of Jupiter. So as such, I thought I would showe a few easy squat variations that can help to mix up your training to make it more fun, and a bit of a different challenge.
Here’s a quick video on the basic positions of the major squats that you can perform in a square stance: the front squat, back squat, and kettlebell shoulder squat.
n a future post, Iwill look at a few different split stance variations I’ve used successfully with clients and myself. I can’t do it this week since I tweak my knee showing a stretch to a client yesterday, and although its’ still full functional, I don’t want to risk spraining it or making it worse. Looks like it’s gun-show time for the rest of the week.
Note: If there’s anything you want me to cover in the future, just let me know. With the new toys I can do a whole mess of additional fun things like this, including exercise demos, tutorials, and anything else I can think of.
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