Last June, I was fortunate enough to put on a seminar in my home club along with Tony Gentilcore, Jeff Cubos, and Rick Kaselj, which we titled the Spinal Health and Core Training seminar. We had a great group of about 20 very eager trainers in attendance, some coming from as far away as Calgary, Newfoundland, and even Oakland, California, all to bask in our collective spinal and core training glory.
Aside from Tony complaining about the fact that the sun didn’t set until 10pm and was up again at 5am, not finding a coffee shop that was open in time to be ready for the start of the seminar, and Rob King obsessively self-manipulating his low back, the entire weekend was a great one. The attendees all seemed to walk away with some cool new tools for their tool box, some great theories of how and why certain aspects of core training work while others don’t, and some real-world insight from a personal trainer, a pro baseball strength coach, a chiropractor, and a kinesologist.
The multidisciplinary aspect is one I’ve always been a fan of, as it gives you more windows into the same room to help solve more problems. It also makes sure you have people looking over your shoulder to say you’re doing right or correcting you from some different walks of life.
Now as an added bonus, we filmed the entire seminar. Here’s a couple of clips of the epicness, starting with Tony Gentilcore, who was there for the first day and then peace’d out to head to Vancouver for a wedding or something like that:
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Here’s Jeff Cubos dropping some ice cream scoop K-bombs:
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Rick Kaselj holding down a Q & A during his seminar:
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And to bring it all home, here’s me talking about maximal lat activation and how squeeze the pencil is the worst cue you could use:
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As an added bonus, here’s a video from the same seminar (with a better mic) of an assessment and corrective strategy on how to work with some low back pain stuff related to hip issues and core instability:
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Today is the first day this entire video series is available to the public. The Spinal Health and Core Training seminar is a massive 12 hours of teaching from 4 different pro’s, and is on a launch price of only $97 for this week only.
You can get immediate access to the entire package to view in the comfort of your own home, or office, or train to work, or where ever you watch videos from. This means you can get Jiggy with it (kids still say that, right?) from where ever you want and everyone will want to be your friend because of your awesome abilities to look at core stuff.
Here are some of the highlights that aren’t mentioned on the main page for the product:
The initial cost is low for the next four days only, so act on it while you can save a few bucks and get your smart on for cheap. On top of that, this is probably the only time you’ll ever see a motley collection of guys like this together on one product, which means the testosterone will be absorbable through simple osmosis, meaning you’ll be crushing beef jerky and punching out your boss by the end of the day.
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