Posted April 18, 2011

Research in Fitness and How Much Ass Mark Young Can Kick

My good buddy and fellow Canadian (although from Hamilton of all places) Mark Young has come out with a new product that I think will be a book-shelf necessity for every trainer and/or fitness enthusiast out there. Let’s face it, in order to keep up with the current trends in exercise and stay on the cutting edge of the knowledge curve, you have to read the research coming out. Not only that, you have to understand what the hell is being said. I’ll be honest, most research reads more like the insomniacs remedy, while there’s a huge volume that has such gaping holes in the research design you have to ask what kind of chemicals were left open in the lab that day.

Fructose makes you fat?? But only when you eat 3-times the normal daily intake?? Tell me more!!! Read Alan Aragon’s take on this one HERE

So unless you know what the hell is good or bad about a study, plus whether they did sound statistical analysis, you could quote a piece of crap and make it sound like gospel, making you sound like you rode the short bus to school today, or skip over the new hotness that might sweep the fitness world by storm. Well, Mark went above and beyond and cut out all the hieroglyphs and gave you the straight dope on research with his straight-forward titled How to Read Fitness Research.

To be honest, when Mark first approached me to check out this product a little over a month ago, I was pretty much thinking it would be akin to getting a full frontal lobotomy from Abe Vigoda (he was in Godfather, if you don’t know who this guy is check him out on Wikipedia, yo!).

I mean, I finished a science degree that was pretty heavily oriented to research, which means I can tell my ANOVA from my MANCOVA statistical analyses, I know my double-blinds from my cross-over trials, and can et al with the best of them, so I was in doubt that this would teach me anything new.

I was pleasantly surprised when he went through some of the basics, plus some stuff I haven’t heard of before, and also spent a good deal of time on how to access journal articles without re-mortgaging your house. If you’ve ever tried to search out articles, most won’t let you download them without paying anywhere from $15 and up to get access, so doing a basic lit search outside of a university can get pretty costly and often leave you feeling like you are missing something. This was worth the cost of the product alone.

Here’s the deal: Mark’s new product contains 4 Video Seminars
– Purpose and Process of Research
– Acquiring and Reading Fitness Research
– No Snooze Statistics & Research Design
– Interpreting and Implementing Research

Notes for Each Seminar
-Slides in PDF format

1 Bonus Video
– How to Use Pubmed

1 Bonus Audio Interview
– Signalling, Synthesis, and Hypertrophy with Dr. Stuart Phillips

He’s put it on sale for $37 beginning today (Monday) and ending on Friday evening. After that, the dirty bugger’s gonna jack the price up to $77, so do yourself a solid and CHECK THIS OUT. Trust me, if you like seeming smart and cool to all your friends for being able to show off your fancy schmancy knowledge of what’s happening in research, kinda like I do, get this NOW.

P.S. Don’t forget, this is on sale until Friday evening, so pick it up now while it’s still cheap HERE.

P.P.S. It’s my mom’s birthday today, so please do me a favor and wish her a happy birthday in the comments section below. It would make her day 😉

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