I love Halloween. I love the fact that we can show some creativity, have some fun, and celebrate life (and death) in a way that doesn’t involve spending the equivalent of a third world countries GDP on presents or having a massive dinner that leaves you feeling full until Wednesday. Don’t get me wrong, I love all holidays, but there’s something special about a holiday that is equally loved by the young and old alike and the whole point of the event is to have fun. This, however, is taking things too far.
There’s no self-respecting dog on the face of the earth who wants to wear this kind of crap. Seriously, imagine these little guys released out into the wild, where they meet up with a pack of wild dogs, who then stare at the dog in the costume and decide to turn him into a pinata or try to re-enact a scene from Oz or something like that. I’m sure that’s what they think of when they look up at you from under the hood of these outfits while looking like they want to crawl into a hole in the ground.
Interesting fact of the day: Look up “ninjas” on Thesaurus.com. The results field says
Ninjas cannot be found
Well played, ninjas. Well played.
I read a new study this past week in the Journal of Injury Prevention that looked at the consumption of soft drinks and the incidence of violence among adolescence in Boston public high schools. The researchers found a link between those who consumed more than 5 cans of pop per week and a higher incidence of violence towards friends, family and dates, and then went on to say that there seemed to be a “direct cause and effect” relationship.
What the what??
Cause and effect would imply that drinking pop would definitely cause an increase in violence. I would agree that there was a correlation to drinking pop, but not a causation. Research like this kind of ticks me off, primarily because when you hear about this kind of stuff in the media it tends to get blown out of proportion. This is how the belief that eating a diet based solely on grains and containing minimal meat is a good idea. It’s the same type of research that made people think squatting was bad for the knees. The same type of research that said that people should be on bed-rest following a heart attack to reduce the strain on their cardiac system. While the statistics are no doubt valid, the researchers interpretation and choice of wording was probably less than ideal, which means now it gets picked up by all the major media outlets and getting some good publicity and now everyone things that their little monster child will become the next serial killer because they like a Dr Pepper every day.
Back on the Halloween kick, I want to decorate the house like a massive grave yard, but time and wifeliness won’t let it be possible. I carve a few pumpkins, show an artistic side many don’t know I have (I’m probably one of a small handful of males who can work their way around a kitchen), and call it a day. While secretly I would LOOOOVE to get something like this going on.
While I would love to hand out fruit and vegetables and trail mix bars over the normal candy and chocolates, I prefer an un-valdalized house. Halloween has never been a place to take a stand, either in the candy department or in the costume regulatory sense. There are school districts that are forbidding kids from dressing up in costumes and coming to school. We’ve got to stop with all the political correctness or else we’re going to wind up all celebrating “SnowFlake Day” with the traditional dinner composed of fish tacos while performing the airing of grievances and feats of strength. I’m down for that, but I want to see some kids dressed up like Jason and Bumblebees and stuff like that too.
Have a great Halloween!!