So on Tuesday I put out a contest to see who could leave the best comment on my post about getting a bigger bench press through shoulder pain. The best comment would get an advanced copy of the upcoming Muscle Imbalances Revealed: Upper Body DVD combo pack. The kicker is I only advertised it to those who have signed up to get email updates. I’m going to be doing a lot more of these contests and giveaways in the coming weeks, so if you want some easy free schwag, definitely sign up with the little form on the right to get in on the action!!
So back to the contest. The big winner is someone who attended a seminar I put on at the Calgary canfitpro conference, and who has dealt with upper body issues for some time. She walked away from my seminar with some new tools and tricks to help her out, and was able to see a reduction in pain and improvement in function. This is really humbling to see, as I always put out information to help people as much as possible and to see the end results are favorable just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
So without further adieu, please give a big congratulations to ILONA EGGINK!!! Congratulations, I’ll be sending you a copy fo Muscle Imbalances Revealed:Upper Body so you can watch guys like Rick Kaselj, Tony Gentilcore, Jeff Cubos, and this guy right here talk about geek-tastic stuff like shoulder pain and core function. Just shoot me an email with your mailing address and I’ll send them out ASAP.
Again, if you want to get in on free and easy giveaways, sign up on the form at the top of the page on the right. It’s easier than finding 10 channels showing something on Kim Kardashian at any time during the day.