Well, it’s finally here. Muscle Imbalances Revealed: Upper Body, the follow-up sequel to Muscle Imbalances Revealed: Lower Body is now ready to completely blow everyone’s minds and make you think about training, rehab, and performance in a completely different light.
To give you a quick overview, this is an educational product that features 8 webinar-based presentations from such presenters as Rick Kaselj, Tony Gentilcore, Dr. Jeff Cubos, and this guy sitting here on his honeymoon. While you’re reading this, I’m probably already half-way up a mountainside in Banff National Park, so today is a good day, folks.
As some of you may remember, I wanted to have a little contest to help celebrate this monumental occasion. The response was great, and I have to say there were a few people who went above and beyond in their creative marketing approach to help spread the word for this upcoming launch. The MC at my wedding even gave it a quick plug during his speech at my wedding reception on Saturday, which had everyone busting up laughing. I also have to give a shout out to Fotis Chazinicolaou’s efforts for coming up with this little beauty:
Combine this with the fact that he cross-promoted Muscle Imbalances like no other, and it’s clear to see why Fotis was the big winner of the contest that includes both Muscle Imbalances Revealed: Upper Body AND Lower Body, a half hour phone consultation with yours truly, and a special mystery gift that I’ll talk about in a second. Congratulations Fotis!!
The other two big winners were Matthew Paladino for sparing a puppy’s life, and Kartik Vyas for pushing the “helping others” angle in trying to prevent injuries on the job-site. Great work guys!!
Now the special “Bonus Prize” winner. As mentioned before, the MC at my wedding threw down the gauntlet and promo’d this sumbitch in front of my entire extended family, friends, and clients, which has to go down in the annals of “Dude with the Most Balls” award. So as a result, Ed Picard wins the bonus gift. For all four winners, drop a comment below and I’ll email you for details.
The Bonus Gift
I wanted to throw in something that everyone reading this could get some use out of, whether they knew their ass from their acetabulum, or whether they thought biceps were people who liked both boys and girls. So I contacted Adam Wood in Calgary, the inventor and CEO of Travel Roller, and he agreed to throw in some goodies for the winners of this promo. So everyone who won will get a free Travel Roller kit in their mail in the coming weeks!!
I’ve used the same roller on a multiple-times daily basis with myself and my clients since 2007, and finally decided to get another one. Trust me, these things are worth the investment.
Now, back to Muscle Imbalances Revealed
The cost for the entire packaege will be at a reduced rate until August 11th, going for $77 instead of $147, so get in while the getting is good!! Since I’m officially on my honeymoon, I don’t want to work too much. So I’ve asked the other contributors to talk about Muscle Imbalances Revealed, and first up is Rick Kaselj, the dude who put the whole thing together. I sat down with Rick and asked the hard-hitting questions, sort of like John Stossill from 20/20 back in the 90’s.
Dean – Okay Rick, most people know who you are but for the people who don’t know, let them know. Keep it brief.
Rick – My name is Rick Kaselj. I am personal trainer and Kinesiologist in Surrey, BC, Canada. I specialize in designing exercise program for people with injuries. I share my tips, tricks and exercise with other health and fitness professionals through my course, manuals, books and blog.
Dean – Tony calls you the “Mastermind” behind Muscle Imbalances Revealed, where did that title come from?
Rick – It is Tony, he is always stirring things up.
I have a tough time calling myself the “Mastermind.”
I try to stay active in the rehab, training and performance world. I am always looking to see what people are doing and trying to learn from them. The cool thing now is so many amazing people have blog so it is very easy to get great information with new ideas and exercises.
With all of those leaders out there, I try to network with them and get to know who they are.
Dean – Okay, so lets take a step back, where did this idea of Muscle Imbalances Revealed come from?
As a fitness professional, I am always looking for ways to help my clients out. This lead to going to all kinds of seminars, courses and conference.
When I tapped out with what was around me, I headed off to do my Masters degree where I focused on exercise rehabilitation and corrective exercise.
It was very cool to learn all the great new stuff when it came to corrective exercise over the internet via video presentations.
I started using the stuff with my clients and getting better results with my clients but I was still missing a few pieces.
One thing I learned while doing my Masters was looking at and reading the research. I did that and found that one of the things that I was not spending enough time on was addressing muscle imbalances. When it comes to traditional corrective exercise, there are four factors but what I found there were 10.
That is where the focus on muscle imbalance came from.
Now moving to Muscle Imbalances Revealed.
I would like to think that I know it all but I don’t. It is impossible for any one person to do it all.
I wanted to put together a group of people who were experts in their area and had unique backgrounds. Then have them share their tips, tricks and exercises when it comes to addressing muscle imbalances that affect rehab, training and performance.
That is how Muscle Imbalances Revealed was born.
Dean – Why did you pick guys like Tony Gentilcore, Dr. Jeff Cubos and some schmuck name Somerset to be part of the program?
Rick – Like, I mentioned above. I was looking for people that are experts in their area and have a unique background.
Lets look at each of the guys.
Tony Gentilcore is a performance guy. He helps overhead athletes perform better. Since the focus of Muscle Imbalances Revealed – Upper Body Edition was the upper body, I needed Tony. Plus the guy is one of the key coaches at Cressey Performance. Who does not went to learn some of the secrets from that performance success machine?
Dr. Jeff Cubos is a bit under the radar. Many will have no idea of who he is but I have been reading his blog, talking to him on the phone and exchanging emails. This guy is an education vacuum. He is flying all around the world to learn from the best clinicians, therapists, trainers and coaches.
I think this year he has been to Toronto, Texas and Prague to learn from the best. I know he is up to date on the newest techniques out there plus he has such a great grasp of rehab and performance that I know he would have some great things to share with exercise enthusiasts and health & fitness professionals.
Now to that Somerset guy. We had chatted over email and we were presenting at the same conference a few years back. We did not meet but we kept in touch. We talked on the phone and you had amazing information to share. Then you wrote some articles for my blog and they were great. It is very cool that you now have your own blog and are sharing all that info all the time. Just from talking to you, your writing and blogging, I knew you would have some great information to share when it came to rehab and training.
Dean – So what is the big deal about Muscle Imbalances Revealed – Upper Body?
Rick – The contributors alone are very impressive but what makes MIRU so awesome is it full of tips, tricks and exercises to help your clients and yourself improve your rehab, training and performance results.
You have Tony sharing his overhead performance tips and the training blunders he sees.
Jeff highlights breathing which we all know is important but don’t know how to do it right and integrate it into exercise which Jeff shows you plus he clarifies when specific soft tissue techniques should be used.
Dean, you expand on fascia and how to exercise the fascia, which is so cool. Plus you provide a great core training continuum from rehab to performance.
I highlight some stuff on the shoulder and neck.
Other cool things about MIRU is:
– you get it right away, no need to wait for anything in the mail
– you can earn CEUs, CECs and PDC
– you can watch it all on your laptop, iPad or iPhone
It is a very cool way of learning cutting edge information in a really easy way.
Tomorrow, Tony Gentilcore will wow you with tales of Harry Potter, Star Wars, and how Meatheads can learn about how to train to get their swole on without screwing themselves up even more. In the meantime, get your greasy mitts on a copy of Muscle Imbalances Revealed – Upper Body today and be the coolest of all your friends. Then get new friends who are even cooler, because no one likes hanging out with losers.
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