So right now, I’m listening to Alwyn Cosgrove’s webinar called “The Death of Personal Training,” (if you haven’t seen it yet, click HERE to get the free replay) writing this here post, setting up some client programs, and thinking about eventually doing the rest of the dishes. Sounds like a barrel of fun on a Monday night, right??
So one of the big take-aways I got from the conference in Toronto this past weekend was the fact that Charles Poliquin has some seriously jacked up arms.
The guy looks like he’s got quads for biceps, and he’s ripped at close to 60. He showed a small clip of different ways to do bicep curls, and said he had over 1700 variations for tricep exercises.
Yeah, that’s right. 1700 tricep exercises
One that he talked about seemed pretty interesting, since I’d never seen it before. He took some lifting straps and hooked them around a barbell, leaving the open end as the part to hold onto. He then held on to the ends and did bicep curls with full supination. I thought it was pretty cool, so I thought I would give it a shot and see whether it was something to get me happy at the end of the day.
Don’t worry, this was just a set to figure out the bloody exercise. I know it looks pretty awkward and off-balance, but it was my first kick at the can, so to speak. Plus, it’s pretty difficult to hold on to the straps like that when curling. I managed to work up to using 90 pounds for 2 sets of 6, and I have to tell you…..
Not only are my biceps completely demolished, but I can’t turn my hands palms up. This damned thing brutalized me, then called me a pencil-necked twerp. I feel like a tyrannosaurus rex. I couldn’t wash my hair this morning. I tried and only got half way. Then I tried to swing and flip my arm onto my head full of shampoo, but I wound up missing and shampoo went all over the side of the shower. So I had to rub my head against the shampoo on the wall in order to get clean, then couldn’t rub my head under the water to get all the soap out of it, and using any kind of product was just out the window. So thanks for making my hair look stupid today, Charles. As if I wasn’t already behind the coiffed 8-ball as it was with the hairline running away from my forehead, island in the sun in the front and the massive cowlick.
Oh, one last thing before I go. A few weeks ago the creators of Muscle Imbalances Revealed: Upper Body did a soft launch for only three days to see what people thought and to get some initial numbers. I’m happy to say the feedback we’ve received has been AMAZING and some pretty big industry names have given us the thumbs up for the content. Well, we decided to bring it back at the original pricing of $77, meaning you save $70, but it will only be for this week, so hustle up and get your learn on while it’s still the best buy in fitness education. Click HERE and see what all the fuss is about and to get your own copy. before they all run out.
I can’t really type anymore, because my arms are starting to twitch faster than the lie detector when Kim Kardashian is asked “What do you actually do?” So I’m gonna leave it here for a day. If you don’t hear from me tomorrow, you’ll know why. It’s not because I won’t want to, but because I literally can’t bang my claw of a hand against the keyboard in a way that represents anything close to intelligent prose.
Not that I ever actually did, but whatever. I can’t feel my elbows now.