I’ve been busting at the seams lately with travel, training clients, trying to keep up with distance coaching, and even sneaking in a little training of my own, plus I just spent the weekend attending a Hypopresive Method workshop, which is quite an impressive concept of core training (post coming soon, I pinkie swear). Plus, I also just posted the next month of the WeightTraining.com premium workout group this week, and I’m really looking forward to seeing people dive into it.
The good news is if you haven’t gotten into the mix yet, you still can, and can access each program as it comes live as well as each previous month. I’m also planning to get some exclusive content in the coming weeks where I break down the how and why for some of the exercises featured to give it more of a coaching benefit. An example of this would be a video I put together a few months ago on troubleshooting the deadlift:
[embedplusvideo height=”365″ width=”600″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/Qi4mlM” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/PtrAiulTGWs?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=PtrAiulTGWs&width=600&height=365&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep4246″ /]
Unlike the videos I post on Youtube, these will be exclusive to WeightTraining.com and exclusive to my coaching group. The goal will be to get a massive library of content on there to help coach pretty much every aspect of the workouts, each lift, and also maybe explain the reason why this stuff works.
To sweeten the pot a bit, I’ve pulled some strings and found a few $10 off coupons for the first 5 new sign ups this month. This is good for only new people, and all you have to do is put in the coupon codeĀ DSWT101 when prompted. There’s only 5 spots for the discount though, so get on it quickly. The monthly investment is only $29, and you get a full workout program set to load onto any device you want to use (with the free WeightTraining.com app) to take into the gym with you, and will show each exercise in video form while you’re ready to get deep into Swoleville.
For the same cost as training with me for 15 minutes in person, being a distance coaching client for half a week, or buying a latte a day from Monday until Wednesday, you can get a month of programming, exclusive content and a community of folks just like you looking to get stronger, more mobile, gain muscle and drop body fat, all on programming straight from me.
Why wait? check it out and I’ll see you at the squat rack.
===> Get the WeightTraining.com Premium Group Now <===
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