Posted January 15, 2013

Level Up Your Boot Camps


I’ve seen and participated in a bunch of different Boot Camps run by trainers, and some common themes seem to consistently emerge:

  • Reliance on outdoor space to cut down on costs (cool)
  • basic exercises that are easy to pick up (fair enough)
  • no real progressions or regressions for everyone in the group (wait what?)
  • Heavy reliance on high rep exercises, minimal strength or power (Say what???)
  • Focus on simply moving a lot instead of moving well (grrrrrrr)

grump cat fun

While the premise of beating a client into the ground and making them feel like “they had a good workout” can be a rewarding experience, in the end it doesn’t mean much. There’s a massive uptick in the boot camp populous around the world, primarily because they’re relatively inexpensive, social, and inclusive for all fitness levels.

The downside is that most boot camps focus solely on beating their clients into the ground, not looking at movement quality, training progressions and regressions, soft tissue work, and in short TEACHING clients how to move and get stronger in a healthy manner. It’s great if you can run forever, but if it hurts the entire time and you can’t sleep because of a constantly irritated shoulder, that’s not a better way of living at all.

Now I’m not saying that each boot camp operator is supposed to focus on corrective exercises the entire time, because that would bore the living hell out of everyone, and make for a less than ideal training response. At the end of the day, the body has to be stressed to see adaptation, so let’s stress it in a safe and effective manner. Let’s just make sure we’re not ripping a page out of the Biggest Loser and making 400 pound individuals attempt box jump in their first week in order to make “good TV.”

That’s why I’m pumped to see Mike Robertson, Jim Laird and Molly Galbraith have teamed up to put together an awesome resource for any trainer who runs a boot camp or for any facility looking to start running a boot camp. Their Boot Camp In a Box product is everything you need to get your boot camp off the ground and running, and even provides 6 months of ready-made workouts to get your clients working hard, getting strong, and at the same time moving better and understanding how to workout more than ever before.


The product contains a 200 page e-book that outlines all the exercises, progressions and regressions, as well as coaching cues that work best when teaching your clients how to do the movement perfectly. It also includes the workouts themselves in easy to read and follow instructions so that whether you’re training 5 people or 50 people, it can give you some great structure to get everyone going.

It also comes with a DVD that showcases how to execute the exercises. I love this idea as I’ve always been more of a visual learner than a text-based learner. Plus Molly’s pretty easy to look at, and whenever Jim bats his eyes I melt a little.

The workouts include everything that makes a fantastic experience: soft tissue work, warmup exercises, movement preparation, metabolic conditioning work, finishers, and ways to make it inclusive for any fitness level.


Hey, I’m not a professional contractor but I still read the odd book on how to install light fixtures in my house without burning it down or going all Electro-Shock on myself. You can dot he same. Like I said, this gives 6 months of workouts, including how to progress and regress each exercise to fit any fitness level, using equipment that can easily be found in any commercial facility and with some easy adaptations can work in a condo or hotel gym, and probably even a well stocked home gym.

Regardless of whether you aim to be a Michelin Star chef, you can still pick up a cook book and make a few recipes, so even if you’re not a trainer you can still get a tonne of great information out of this product.

Now here’s the kicker……

The product normally retails for $397, which is something that can easily be re-couped by any trainer who is able to enroll JUST ONE new boot camp member, or to keep JUST ONE boot camp member for a 6 month period. If this helps you get 10 new members and keep them coming or a longer period, it’s worth its’ weight in gold.

This week only, Boot Camp in a Box is on sale for only $297, which is a ridiculously low cost for something that can help generate immediate income and expand your current business without adding to your current workload, hours, or energy investment.

For those who aren’t trainers or boot camp operators, this is the cost of a one-month Boot Camp program, or in some facilities 2 months. You’re getting 6 months of ready-made workouts. The math is pretty simple.

Let’s say that you decide not to get this product. That’s fine, I’ll still love you and wish nothing but the best for you. We can cuddle endlessly while staring longingly into each others eyes while sharing mimosas in between sets of deadlifts. You’ll stay the same, and that’s okay.

But what if someone else in your town gets this, and starts absolutely CRUSHING it, meaning everyone wants to go to their Boot Camp and not come train with you. THat will affect your bottom line, which means we won’t be able to have mimosas while staring into each others eyes because you won’t be able to afford the Baby Duck.

You can choose to be the same or choose the better and easier path of becoming better, getting better results for you and your clients, and making a name for yourself with something that works.


This is a great resource that’s only on sale until Friday at midnight, so get on it now and be a step ahead of everyone else.