Posted February 18, 2014

Learn to Squat from a World Record Holder

Jordan Syatt is someone you’ve probably never heard of before, but he’s got a pretty solid pedigree when it comes to lifting heavy stuff.

  • He’s pulled a 485 lb deadlift at a bodyweight of 132 lbs. That’s 3.7 times his body weight and a world record.
  • He’s set 5 different world records in powerlifting.
  • He’s interned at some of the top training facilities in the world, including Westside Barbell with Louie Simmons, and Cressey Performance.
  • He’s written for some of the top publications, including,, Men’s Fitness, and a bunch of others in a list that seems to grow by the day.
  • He’s Precision Nutrition certified, Westside certified, about to graduate university, and about to turn 23 in May.


It’s safe to say the guy lives, breathes, eats, sleeps and trains all things heavy weight lifting, and knows a thing or two about a thing or two relating to squats. I mean, if you can’t learn something from the guy who’s broken multiple work records and spent quality time with some of the best coaches in the world, you’re pretty much not paying attention and should be superplexed into the closest wall.

Fortunately, Jordan is good enough to want to teach people how to get the most from the power movements, and recently put out a video seminar on how to get a better squat. It’s a very in depth video that looks at everything from foot position, bar position, breathing, accessory exercises, and even one of the most critical components of programming for the  best squat you could ever imagine.

[embedplusvideo height=”365″ width=”600″ editlink=”″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=3fG3eBaf3_k&width=600&height=365&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep8454″ /]

The great thing about this video seminar is that while it’s very in depth (it’s 2 full hours all about the squat for the love of God!!), he makes it easy to understand for even gym leymans who aren’t full time trainers or anatomy geeks like me. What this means is you’ll be able to take the information and make it immediately applicable in your workouts that day, and ready to see some significant improvements.


The really cool thing is he has it on sale for only $29, which is probably less than the cost of a half-hour session with someone who has way less education and experience in this sort of thing, and will help you out way more than the equivalent cost of a Friday night pizza or latte a day.

You can pick up Elite Performance Squatting until the end of the week for only $29, with a full money back guarantee that ensures you’ll love it or you can get every cent you spent on it back. There’s nothing to lose, and only PRs to gain.