Posted November 18, 2011

Last Random Chance to Save Big!!

Today is the last day of the big re-launch of Muscle Imbalances Revealed: Upper Body, and your chance to pick up a copy for only $77. This is 47% off the regular price, and includes a couple of new bonuses that you’ll have to check. Click HERE to get your copy.

Today is also the last day of the big launch of Joe Dowdell’s new Peak Training & Diet Summit where you can save $100 off the regular price. When he announced he was having this course over the summer, I was pretty bummed because I was getting married that day and couldn’t attend (LOVE YOU LINDSAY!! Please don’t make me sleep in the garage again), but when I found out he had recorded it and was selling it I may or may not have pee’d a little from excitement. Seriously, if you’re a trainer or even just someone who is exceptionally keen on fitness, you need to get this. The added bonuses are enough reason to do it, plus he’s made it available on multiple payment options so everyone can afford it. Get your copy HERE

Lindsay sent me a newspaper article that was kind of unusual. The article HERE shows some new slant on research that says birth control pills may be a contributing factor to prostate cancer.

So women have prostates now??   Ummmm, no.

Apparently the theory is that women excrete the altered hormones and metabolites of the birth control pills through their urine, which gets fed into the water supply when they flush and then consumed by males as part of the drinking water supply, which makes us guys get some trouble with our own plumbing.

How the researchers came to this mind meld of a conclusion was through analyzing the data regarding use of oral contraceptives by region with gross domestic product and incidence of prostate cancer among the countries studied. They found a significant correlation between the use of oral contraceptives and prostate cancer occurence.

Okay, here’s my problem with this. First, the assumption being that oral contraceptives enter into the drinking water was one that the researchers didn’t provide any citation for, and could only be assumed that it was one they came up with and haven’t tested. What this would mean is that there may be a potential link between nations that can afford oral contraceptives and other potential toxins such as pollution, nutritional intake and lifestyle issues. Or it may mean those nations that have the means to afford birth control also have the means to get regular medical testing to get a firm diagnosis and potentially find more prostate cancers. Second, there was no testing done to see if the estrogen compounds actually enter the water. This could simply be done by taking a water sample and seeing if there is any of the specific compounds in there, or even by doing a regional trial whereby they include some doubly labeled water into the pills and then test for the presence on the other side of the kitchen tap. On that note, even if there were any by-products of the contraceptives, they would be pretty diluted and probably wouldn’t have much more affect on the body for altering estrogen than crushing a soy latte from your local Starbucks would.

Third, there was no testing done to see if males actually absorbed estrogen through the water system, meaning right now the correlation is more casual than causative in nature. Fourth, the rates for prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia (the precursor to prostate cancer) world-wide hasn’t gone up to match the global usage of oral contraceptives, even if correcting for time of onset. There was a surge in diagnoses in 1993, but that connected to the discovery of a new test to detect growth of the prostate called a PSA test.

Sure, the research sounds all armaggedon-like and may be something you could get into a twist about after the media chose how to report it, but people tend to think that birth control pills are the devil and only used by loose women to let them have tons of sex and not get pregnant, and especially get their undies in a bunch when they hear incomplete studies like this and take them as gospel. As I just shot the hell out of the theories and showed some gaping holes in the research, I’m more inclined to believe that the benefits of having someone use birth control for control of their menstrual symptoms far outweighs the potential health problems (and I mean really small chance if any) that may be posed to the public. I’ve known some girls who contemplated suicide because their periods were so painful and life-altering, and until they got on a form of oral contraceptive they couldn’t function for a week each month.

Sorry to go all geek-tastic on you there, but sometimes a bit of research strikes a chord and needs some further digging to figure out the meaning behind it and to scissor-kick it to the curb. On a lighter note, I had a friend who thought if guys took birth control pills that they would turn into women and be capable of having kids.

ARVE Error: need id and provider

What brought on a post involving something on birth control pills?? Mother Nature apparently forgot to take hers this weekend because she is RAGING all over Alberta this week, with multiple dumps of snow, gusting winds, drifts, and our first actual taste of winter. To say she’s in a pretty bad mood would probably be an understatement. We put our winter tires on last week, but there were some jack-holes out there rocking the all-seasons and gunning it trying to get some traction while going uphill only to realize that they were moving sideways instead of forward. This got me thinking about direction in goalsetting (not really, but it’s a cool tangent to jump off on, right??).

The more I think about it, the more I come to realize that people set goals without really having any clue whatsoever of what it will take to hit that goal and having any clear path to getting there. Instead of a marathon hopeful starting their running career by trying not to puke up a kidney on their first run in ever, they jump into 20 mile runs and 100 mile weeks of training thinking they have to be in race shape today, then get discouraged when they find out they have shin splints. Sort of like the cabbie who was moving sideways faster every time he pumped the gas harder. Slow and steady with the right tools and the ability to gauge progress in a smart manner goes a long way to actually hitting any goal, whether it’s nailing a PR, finishing a run and living to tell the tale, or not pissing off countless car drivers by sliding across multiple lanes of traffic.

ARVE Error: need id and provider

On another “Who the hell comes up with this crap” new story, GOOD JOB AMERICA!!! WAY TO SET THE OBESITY CURVE!! In this article HERE, The US Congress has ruled that pizzas served in grade school cafeterias could be classified as vegetables (yes, vegetables!!!) due to the amount of tomato sauce being used.

If you hear a faint echo that’s just the sound of my head slamming into my desk over and over again.

SERIOUSLY, GOVERNMENT???WTF??? It’s not like childhood obesity isn’t a problem right now, and now when you tell your kids to eat their vegetables they’re going to reach for an extra greasy ‘za and wash it down with a Diet Coke to save the calories. They’ll pass this crap but they won’t approve a jobs bill or a Keystone Pipeline through Nebraska? Head’s, they need a shakin.

So let’s see, today we covered Muscle Imbalances Revealed: Upper Body, Peak Training & Diet Summit, birth control, winter driving conditions, appropriate goalsetting, and pizzetables. Sounds pretty random to me, therefore, WINNING!! Before I go, make sure you get your copies of both those products before the sale ends so you can get your learn on for cheap.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!


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