Posted April 28, 2011

I Told You I'd Do It

Today is a happy day. Why might you ask is today of all days a happy and sunshine-filled joyous day of wonderment?? Check it:

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Hells yeah, I gots me a 405 deadlift baybay!!!

After shooting for this goal since roughly September, and having the occasional set back, like in December when something felt like it popped at 385, it finally happened. There’s nothing like the sense of accomplishing a goal to make you feel a bit lighter in your step, like you just got a check in the mail, or had a really, really, really good bowel movement. That kinda satisfied feeling.

So while I’d love to say that this was a perfect example of my massive manhood crushing this massive weight, I’m always aware that there’s room for improvement. That being said, I’d like to invite anyone out there with some serious critical analysis skills to breakdown the lift and let me know if there are ways I can improve it. I have my theories, but I want to get more than one head to bang this one around. I have a new goal of shooting for 500 within the next year. Why? Why not? What else am I doing with my life? Getting a tan? Challenging Charlie Sheen to a witty-one-liner contest? Appearing in underwear ads?


Until the wedding in August, I’m planning to keep working on dropping serious weight, and get my body fat to around 10% or so, but after that, I’m going to make a big effort to hit 500 pounds for a deadlift. It may take a few months, it may take a full year, but here’s hoping it happens eventually, cuz you know, that would be pretty awesome!!

I wanted to make sure this goal was one that I hit, and it’s pretty good timing that earlier this week I put out a few posts HERE and HERE on goal setting and making it emotional. A lot of goal setting psychology components that seriously hit the nail on the head can be found in the Daniel Pink book Drive: The Suprising Truth About what Motivates Us

After spending a lot of time in motivational psychology classes and reading lots of different books on the subject, this is probably hands down one of the most comprehensive and direct books on the subject I’ve read, so it should definitely go on your book shelf.

As a final note, I’m having some upgrades done to the site to make it more pretty and functional. Essentially WordPress told me in no uncertain terms that if I wanted to make a buck through the interwebz, then I would have to get off the bandwagon and jump ship to While I’m sure it’s going to give me some cool new toys to play with and ways to make this site more functional, I liked the free-ness of this current site. But who knows what the new hotness will bring. Will it make you want to run outside and do a happy dance naked on your front lawn from its’ sheer fantasticness? Possibly. Will it make you want to drop-kick a puppy in the face to contain the awesomeification? Highly likely. Will it have absolutely no impact on how you live your daily life and make you want o simply slow-clap a pretty pretty picture once in a while? Most definitely. Have a great weekend everybody!!

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