I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know everything about training, but I’ve always enjoyed trying to learn as much as possible with the caveat that it be something that I can either apply immediately or helps develop or re-enforce a thought process. I read research, text books, e-books, blogs and newspaper articles to see what people are talking about. I watch videos, attend workshops and conferences, and try to remain as unbiased as possible as to whether something is beneficial or just pie in the sky thinking.
Except of course for Tracy Anderson. That girl’s crazy.
I’ve borrowed from a lot of different people, some have worked really effectively and some haven’t, so I discard those methods that don’t work and try to hone in on the ones that do. This could mean everything from different ways to get rotator cuffs back in shape to how to deadlift more weight without ripping a hole in the space time continuum, to getting a marathon runner to a PR, to having someone limp into my gym with back to pain springing out after the first session without anything holding them back.
I’m willing to sit in anyone’s class room and accept what they’re saying, provided they have the merit to present it. I’ve sat through some god-awful lectures that made no sense and produced a ton of benefit afterwards, as well as some fire and brimstone “sermons” jam-packed with what seemed like amazing content but fizzled when it was put into action. I’m sure you’re no different.
With all that said, I’m trying to expand my level of knowledge on a continuous basis, so I need some help. I’m looking to take some new courses, attend new workshops, read different books, watch different videos, and essentially expand my personal bubble. They can be fitness related, rehab related, business related, whatever. To give you an example of what’s in store for this year, I’ll be attending the SFG Kettlebell Instructor certification in Salt Lake City in May, which is the new version of the RKC certification for working with kettlebells. I’m also attending the Certified Physical Preparation Specialist (CPPS) certification (and speaking there briefly) in New Jersey in March, which was developed by Joe DeFranco and James “Smitty” Smith. Aside from that, there’s a couple I’m on the fence about but not really convinced of yet.
This is where I need you. What kinds of courses or workshops would you recommend? They can be on-line, in person (North America only. I’m not at “baller status” just yet), books, or whatever that you feel have a tremendous value and have helped you. They can be on pretty much any range of topics relating to health and fitness, business or personal development, anything like that.
To make it even sweeter, I’ll give whomever gives the best suggestion a free DeanSomerset.com hoodie. These are limited edition hoodies, with only a few available around the world, so you’ll be in pretty sweet company. This will be a completely arbitrary selection based on what I feel like doing, but as with everyone out there I’ll cave in to sufficient peer pressure, so if everyone likes a specific entry, you can up-vote it a bunch of times to increase its’ clout.
Leave a comment below with your suggestions as well as why you think it would be awesome for me to attend, and may the best suggestion win!!
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