Posted June 19, 2013

Functional Stability Training of the Lower Body: Get 'Cho Geek On


I was really excited to hear that Eric Cressey and Mike Reinold were releasing the next installment of their Functional Stability Training series, this time detailing the lower body.


I’ve only been able to dig into the first couple of videos, and already they’ve made a big difference in my thought process regarding assessments and corrective exercise progressions. Mike drives home some seriously profound info on how joint alignment can have a massive influence on assessments, much further than the simple “tight and weak” concepts taught in classic kinesiology.

hip pain

From there, his matrix approach to corrective strategies delineates and systematizes something I’ve done for a while but had no idea on whether the sequence was correct or not. It’s always nice to get outside validation without them looking over your shoulder 🙂

Considering I got this out of just the first video, as well as a lot of other things (hello tall kneeling single hip rotational resisted hip extensions!!!!), you could say that I’m pretty much like a kid in a candy store when it comes to geek-tastic stuff like this. If you’re a trainer or rehab professional, this is essentially the equivalent of a World Series, NBS Championship, or Stanley Cup Final.

The total package is loaded with a ton of great stuff, broken into easy to view webinars and live labs. The duo cover some pretty sick topics:

  • Module 1 – Training the Hip for FST of the Lower Body
  • Module 2 – Assessing Lower Body Alignment and Movement ***
  • Module 3 – Preparing the Adductors for Health and Performance
  • Module 4 – Hip Internal Rotation Deficits: Why You Have them and What to Do about Them
  • Module 5 – Training the Foot and Ankle for FST of the Lower Body
  • Module 6 – Understanding and Implementing Neuromuscular Control Progressions into Your Programming
  • Module 7 – How to Integrate Neuromuscular Control Progressions
  • Module 8 – 15 Things I’ve Learned About the Deadlift
  • Module 9 – Developing Lower Extremity Strength and Power Outside the Saggital Plane

***My personal favourite so far.

Question: I bought Post Rehab Essentials. How will FST compliment that video series?

Post Rehab Essentials is essentially the groundwork every trainer and fitness professional should know before working with injured or possibly injured clients. The concepts of stability and mobility are discussed and given real world application that makes it easy to understand.

Where Post Rehab Essentials is like graduating high school, Functional Stability Training is like attaining an advanced degree. The depth of information is much greater and broader, which allows Mike and Eric the chance to delve deeper into specific concepts of the lower body in a way that I wasn’t able to with Post Rehab Essentials. They also speak at a much higher level, assuming you are a seasoned fitness professional or clinician.

If you’re willing to jump in and get your mind blown, this will undoubtedly set the bar high for you. You’ll come away questioning everything you’ve ever done, maybe end up sobbing in the corner a little (not saying I did, not saying I didn’t. Shut up), you’ll probably start seeing things in your clients that you weren’t aware of before, but in the end it will definitely make you a better professional who can get sick results for your clients.

Another good thing is they have it on sale until Sunday evening. Normally this package is $99.95, but you can pick it all up for only $79.95. You can even opt in to get physical DVDs if that suits you or just stick to the digital downloads (instant access, never losing a DVD, your dog won’t pee on it). You also get a slick 57 page PDF manual to make studying and reviewing a lot easier.

NOTE: I would also strongly recommend picking up a copy of Functional Stability of the Core while you’re there. It’s a sick add-on that gives you some serious core training tools to stack your tool box, and at only a hundred bucks, it’s probably the easiest way to make yourself a better trainer or clinician without leaving the comfort of your own home.


I’m going to dive back into the next video series and see what Eric can come up with to blow me away. Pick up your copy and we can follow along and talk about how awesome it is.

====>  Get Functional Stability Training Now <=====

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