Last week in accordance with the launch of Eric Cressey’s new e-book The High Performance Handbook, I held a contest for anyone who purchased a copy and sent an email to my assistant. She officially hated me for having to sort through so many of them, but it’s okay, she forgave me in time. Sadly though, no one took up the offer to attempt to bribe her with expensive baubles and shows of affection. She was slightly miffed at that too. Well done, guys.
Anyways, I wanted to announce some of the winners of the contest. I’ll be contacting everyone later today when I have some spare time, but in the mean time, I’ll announce it here so you can brag all over social media and stuff. To refresh, the prizes were:
So in total I gave away over 2 grand worth of goods and services for this, which means I really felt strongly about how good this product is. You can still pick up a copy of Eric’s new program HERE, but in the meantime, let’s talk winners.
These prizes were drawn by random number generator based on a chronological numerical assignment based on when an email was sent to my assistant, so don’t get mad if you think I didn’t pick you for any alterior reason or anything like that, just blame science.
3 month Distance Coaching Package: Christopher Annunziata
2-month Distance Coaching Package: Michael Shapiro
2-month Distance Coaching Package: Costi Oancea
Skype Consult: Juli Iverson
Skype Consult: Mikhail Pavlov
Skype Consult: Craig Sommerer
Post Rehab Essentials V.2.0: Steven Trolio
Post Rehab Essentials V.2.0: Brian Sorg
Post Rehab Essentials V.2.0: Andrew Moore
Congrats to all the winners, and I’ll be contacting you later today to go through all the details, etc. Feel free to comment below and let everyone hate you for a few minutes.
Next up, I’m speaking at the MOVE-Everywhere conference in Ottawa November 23 at Carleton University. The format is pretty unique in that there will be a blend on hands-on workout stuff as well as high concept theory and lecture work, which means you’ll get your mental sweat as well as a physical sweat in the same day. There’s some pretty big names who will be speaking, and the event looks like it’s going to be pretty awesome all around. If you can make it, it promises to be a great reason to visit Canada’s national capital. In November.
If you’re looking to register, enter the promo code Somerset4moveottawa and save 15%.
Lastly, on top of deadlifting 405 yesterday after feeling like complete poop the week before (seriously, 225 felt like a metric shit ton when I tried last Friday. Must have been the Beaver Buzz left over from the previous weekend), I got confirmation that I’ll be teaching a workshop in London, UK in early March. Essentially, it’s going to be an awesome workshop, and it’s in London. What more do you need to know?!?!?!?!!?
Have a great day folks!!
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