Posted February 27, 2011

Cancer Awareness Month is Almost Over….

This is a quick reminder that the Ultimate Cancer Survivor’s Guide will be donating $5 from the sale of each copy to a cancer research charity for the remainder of February (for those without calendars, that would be the end of Monday at midnight PST). If you haven’t picked up your copy yet, you can get it right over HERE.

The cost for the entire thing is only $37, and you get a fitness professionals version, a non-professional edition that you can use with you clients or friends or family members, and soon to come will be a free update including a 12-week workout program for cancer patients. So trainers can simply print this off and take their clients through the workouts, or the average Joe can print it off and have a resource to keep themselves or give to those they care about to keep them fit as well. What are you waiting for? Click HERE to get your own copy, and help raise money for cancer research.